What was the reason for development of regional parties?
In a democracy, political parties provide an agency to the society to gather different views on various issues and to present these to the government. They bring various representatives together so that a responsible government could be formed. They provide a mechanism to support or restrain the government, make policies, justify or oppose them. India has a multi-party system.
Political Parties in India
- Every political party in India has to register with the Election Commission.
- The Election Commission registers political parties for the purpose of elections and grants them recognition as national or state parties on the basis of their poll performance.
Regional political parties are India’s new electoral box offices. Analysts speculate they will be the key to government formation after the next general elections, so the two competing national parties — the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) — are cracking tough political equations to win over as many of them as possible. There are valid reasons for this. Since 1984, not a single national party has formed a government on its own. The 1980s and 90s witnessed the electoral boom of regional political parties, which have been expanding both in number as well as in vote share.
There is already a certainty in mainstream political dialogue that national parties have ceded space to regional parties. This, according to political pundits, is because the national parties have not been able to address regional ‘aspirations.