what was the slogan of the French revolutionaries ???
Before the French revolution that is the time during the Old Regime the French society was divided into three estates name the first estate (cleargy) second estate (nobility) and third estate.
Each of the estate was divided based on the birth based privileges. The first two estates got many privileges like feudal privileges and did not have to pay the taxes while the third estate had to pay many taxes and it was the only as that did so.
Once another meeting was called for additional taxes in the Estate General. In the Estate General ; third estate was made to stand at the back , only men could come in and each estate to caste only one vote but when third estate requested for 1 person 1 vote and 1 value ; it was denied by the upper classes . So , the third estate moved out of the estate general and thus the French revolution began.
The main motto of French revolution was to provide everyone equality , fraternity and liberty not on the basis of birth based privileges.
Before the French revolution that is the time during the Old Regime the French society was divided into three estates name the first estate (cleargy) second estate (nobility) and third estate.
Each of the estate was divided based on the birth based privileges. The first two estates got many privileges like feudal privileges and did not have to pay the taxes while the third estate had to pay many taxes and it was the only as that did so.
Once another meeting was called for additional taxes in the Estate General. In the Estate General ; third estate was made to stand at the back , only men could come in and each estate to caste only one vote but when third estate requested for 1 person 1 vote and 1 value ; it was denied by the upper classes . So , the third estate moved out of the estate general and thus the French revolution began.
The main motto of French revolution was to provide everyone equality , fraternity and liberty not on the basis of birth based privileges.