English, asked by pihu9040, 1 year ago

What was the story behind the sound of knocking at the door?


Answered by varshini2727

The Knock at the Door

by Stuart Mead

Joey Carter was thirteen. He lived with his mother. He hadn’t seen his father for a long,

long time – not since he was in kindergarten. He couldn’t remember his father’s face

very well. But, at night, he could still hear him say, “Good night, Joey. I love you.”

Joey’s mother never talked about his father. There were no photographs of him

anywhere in the house. Joey didn’t ask about his father, but he secretly hoped his

father would return one day. He felt sure that he would.

The old house they lived in was built by Joey’s grandparents. They were dead, but Joey

always felt that they were still there, watching over their house and everyone who

lived in it. He never told his mother about that. Maybe she’d think he was silly.

One stormy night, there was a telephone

call. Joey’s mother answered it. She

listened to the other person talking. She

said nothing for a while. Then she said

simply, “That’s right.” She looked worried.

“I have to go out,” she said. She didn’t

even look at Joey.

She put on her coat and her old shoes and took her umbrella.

As she got to the front door, she turned to face Joey. “I won’t be long,” she said. “I can’t

tell you where I’m going. Don’t go outside. And don’t open the door if anyone tries to

get in. Promise?”

Joey nodded.

She left quickly. The door closed behind her with a bang.

It was all so fast – the phone call, the

goodbye, the promise, the closed door.


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