what was the teacher' s of mahatma gandhi reaction after the inspection?
Mahatma Gandhi’s School Days
Born Mohandas Gandhi (1869–1948), and later popularly referred to as the ‘Mahatma’ or ‘great soul’, Gandhi became a national hero in the Indian struggle to secure the independence of India from the British Empire. His philosophies of truth and non-violent resistance have inspired many political movements since, and had their roots in traditional Hindu religious beliefs. Despite his greatness as a political leader, Gandhi remained a modest man. ‘I have nothing new to teach the world,’ he once said. ‘Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills.’ Following is a description of an incident from his schooldays in an English-language school in colonial India.
Describing an incident from his school days in South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi illustrates one of the moral aspects of didactic teaching—the importance of getting ‘right’ answers.
Mahatma Gandhi's teacher react suprise and happy after the inspection