what was the thinking of the Britishers about killing of large wild animals?
the main thinking of the Britishers to kill a large amount of animals they want to kill animal for their commercial purpose for making clothes bags shoes and sell into the market and earn huge
amount of money
second special type of game are played on those days means Britishers gave price and Mani who killed large number of animals this is the factor that Britishers kills animals
It was not just a Britisher but our maharajas who are equally guilty of killing of large and wild animals.
then during of those days hunting was a great sport Elite class and there were many animals to kill and give them a satisfied feeling of a great achiever.
there was no awareness and conservation of animals because which so wild animals and they should have thought the supply was inexhaustible.
when Britishers first show rich wealth it was giving boxes of chocolates to children and some kings were there readily there to curry favours bye going with them with masscare wildlife.