what we do to build up india
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HeYoØ uSeR___hErE iS tHe aNsWeR tO uR qUeStiØn...
What I specially think is that...
Uh aRe not a bØrn HiNdu Or MusLim oR ChrisTiaN oR anYthiNg eLse...uH just chOse tO follow them.Uh just contiNueD thE beLief oF uR fAmiLy.....No need to show the greatness Of ur reLigion..coz thEre is only one reLigiOn wOrldWide nd that is
♡I would love to tell everyone that just stop those strikes nd all to build up our nation.
#Jai_Hind_Jai_bharat ^_^
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