Social Sciences, asked by anushkasingh22012511, 1 year ago

what we have to write in a topic rapport buildung and initial awareness about disaster management?
answer me fast .please !!!!


Answered by princessnayak9

Rugare Mukanganise

Women's University in Africa


This study sought to determine the state of disaster preparedness at community level in Zimbabwe and to establish whether communities were aware of their roles when disasters occur. The study examined the capacity of communities to cope when disasters occur and to what extend communities used indigenous resources and knowledge at community level as part of disaster preparedness. Various studies have tried to explain disaster management but none has come closer home on how best to manage disasters. Most studies have taken a Eurocentric approach which tends not to apply wholesomely in an African setting. In this research various theories on disaster management are explained as well as an overview is given on the state of disaster preparedness in other countries such as Ethiopia and Canada The research tried to get information from the communities on the state of disaster preparedness and asked for suggestions on how to manage disasters from the community themselves. In this research 127 community members in Chirumanzu and Mbire responded to questionnaires that were distributed in their districts, 5 key informants from 5 local NGOs responded to the survey, 3 members of the district administrators in the districts surveyed responded. Information from the CPU was reviewed and analyzed. The researcher travelled to Chirumanzu and Mbire observing the state of disaster preparedness as well as to distribute questionnaires in various wards in the districts. The most devastating disaster in the two districts are droughts, floods and disease outbreaks especially cholera. The disasters often result in death, hunger, disruption of social life, loss of livelihoods and homelessness. Communities do not just sit back when confronted with disasters, they take action at local level utilising available resources. It was also interesting to note that communities still use indigenous early warning systems to predict a possible disaster but unfortunately the indigenous knowledge is not shared widely amongst the communities. The researcher makes the following recommendations inspired by the feedback that came from communities in Mbire and Chirumanzu;  Communities should be urged to introduce small grain variety crops such as millet and sorghum as well as to use hybrid seed.  It is recommended that communities embrace the zunde ramambo (contingent) concept.  Communities should be helped to set up income generating projects which will act as a buffer should communities experience a poor season.  It is recommended to utilise the dams that are in the districts by introducing irrigation schemes to mitigate against the effects of drought.  It is recommended that communities be involved in planning and implementation of disaster preparedness programs.  It is recommended that communities through their traditional leaders make as much noise (advocacy and lobbying) as is possible with the government to ensure that resources are set aside.

Answered by shivam526110


A natural disaster can occur at any time. Some disasters give a warning, such as a storm preceding a flood. Others, such as earthquakes, give little or no warning. Once a disaster happens, the time to prepare is gone.

The best way to cope with a natural disaster is to prepare by having a plan before it strikes.

Disasters vary in size, from smaller events such as a storm affecting a single suburb, to large-scale events that can affect whole cities or large areas that cross state boundaries.

As a result of disasters, people may be injured or killed, or may lose their homes and valuable possessions.

It is important to protect your family, home, business and assets from such events. Insurers provide society with the means to do this. Following a natural disaster, insurance companies can pay claims to policyholders with the right policies who are affected, allowing communities to rebuild.

Taking steps to prepare for a disaster can help get you back to normal faster. If you are unprepared, the devastation and financial loss caused by natural disasters can be magnified.

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