what were disadvantages of kolkhoz?
Hey Buddy! There were several serious faults with the system, but the key feature that led to them being seen as failures was the inbuilt inflexibility of the planning system.
1) They tie the workers to the farm - a modern form of feudalism. The Soviets did this by keeping wages low and by use of the internal passport system. This led to rural poverty, compared to the towns, and lowering peasant spending power, thus reducing the demand for the manufactured goods that industry was producing.
2) The lack of ownership of the land, coupled with the rigid wage structure, that did not adapt in times of glut or drought, meant that there was n incentive to the workers to improve the land, to increase yields or to experiment with new crops.
3) The centralised state planning did not give any flexibility to the farm managers, they were told what to grow, and how much to produce. This leads to poor quality control and endemic corruption, as farm managers found ways to cheap the plan if they could not produce as much, and ways to barter any surpluses they may generate - keeping any profits for themselves.
4) The Kolkhoz was not allowed to buy and sell land, it had to work with what it was given. This means that a successful kolkhoz could not expand, swallowing up the surrounding farms, leading to greater efficiencies.
5) Not part of the farm, but part of the Soviet farming system, were the Machine Tractor Stations (MTS). These regional posts centralised all the tractors, harvesters and other machinery. They were meant to be centres of mechanical excellence where machines were routinely thoroughly serviced. In truth they were often poorly resourced and, like the farms, the workers had no incentive to perform well. Also, by centralising all machines in an area led to corruption and wastage, as nearly all the farms in an area would need ploughing or harvesting at about the same time. Farm managers, therefore, had to give the MTS manager a personal incentive to push their farm to the front of the queue - otherwise the seeds would not be planted or the crops would not be harvested in time.
6) The system was implemented across the Soviet Union, even the nomadic herders of the far north were put into kolkhozes, building in gross inefficiencies. Again this lack of flexibility caused hardships for the peasants and those dependent on the produce from the farm.