What were the causes which contributed to the rise of Buddhism in the sixth century B.C.?
There were many factors responsible for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism in the 6th century BC. Some factors are as follows:
(a) Ritualistic Vedic Religion.
(b) Supremacy of the Priestly Class.
(c) Rigit Caste System.
(d)Difficult Vedic Language
Many factors were responsible for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism in the 6th century BC.
(a) Ritualistic Vedic Religion:
The simple religion of the early Aryans was replaced by meaningless rituals and complicated ceremonies. The common people were greatly burdened with the elaborate rites and ceremonies which were too expensive for them to perform. They became discontented with the religious beliefs and practices of that age.
(b)Supremacy of the Priestly Class:
The expensive religious rites and rituals made the position of the priestly class quite strong and dominating in the society. They in a sense turned supreme, intervening into the life of a man from birth till death. They even had a strong hold in the royal courts due to enormous powers they exercised. People turned against these priests, who made their religion complicated, expensive and burdensome.
(c)Rigid Caste System:
The Castes became rigid like— water-tight compartments. Castes were decided according to birth and not according to profession. People from the lower’castes were maltreated by the high castes. They were deprived of their rights to enter the shrines, to own land or to get on education. The institution of untouch ability too came into being. The intellectuals and reformers, therefore resented such unjust social distinctions among the people.
(d)Difficult Vedic Language:
The Vedic literature had been written in Sanskrit, which was beyond the comprehension of the common people. Many could not understand the Vedic mantras recited by the Brahmin priests who conducted the religious ceremonies. The people had to depend on the priestly class-lo understand the meaning of all these Vedic works.