What were the circumstances which led to the khilafat and non - cooperation movement. ......
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Gandhiji’s Return and Satyagraha :
Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in 1915 where he had successfully fought against the racist regime with his new method of mass agitation and nonviolence known as Satyagraha. In India he launched satyagraha movements at various places. These satyagrahas provided base to the Non-Cooperation Movement.
(ii The Rowlatt Act : The Act was passed by the Imperial Legislative Assembly. The act provided enormous powers to police. The police got the power to arrest anyone without any trial. The aim of the act was to repress political activities.
(3) Jallianwalla Bagh : The Jallianwala Bagh added fuel to the fire. People were already agitating against the Rowlatt Act. People had gathered to protest against the new act in the Jallianwala Bagh. General Dyer entered the park and ordered fire killing many people. As the news spread, crowds took to the streets.
(vGandhiji’s Return and Satyagraha :
Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in 1915 where he had successfully fought against the racist regime with his new method of mass agitation and nonviolence known as Satyagraha. In India he launched satyagraha movements at various places. These satyagrahas provided base to the Non-Cooperation Movement.
(iii) The Rowlatt Act : The Act was passed by the Imperial Legislative Assembly. The act provided enormous powers to police. The police got the power to arrest anyone without any trial. The aim of the act was to repress political activities.
(iv) Jallianwalla Bagh : The Jallianwala Bagh added fuel to the fire. People were already agitating against the Rowlatt Act. People had gathered to protest against the new act in the Jallianwala Bagh. General Dyer entered the park and ordered fire killing many people. As the news spread, crowds took to the streets.
(4) United Struggle : The fear of harsh treaty on the Ottoman emperor (the Khalifa) brought the Muslims close to Gandhiji. A young generation of Muslim leaders like Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali was in favour of a united mass action against the Britishers.) United Struggle : The fear of harsh treaty on the Ottoman emperor (the Khalifa) brought the Muslims close to Gandhiji. A young generation of Muslim leaders like Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali was in favour of a united mass action against the Britishers.
The India cooperated with the British during the World War I expecting reforms after the war. But instead the British came with draconian laws like Rowlatt Act and the event of Jailiallnawala Bagh massacre. It created discontent among the masses.
On the other hand the British did not preserved the authority of the Ottoman Sultan as Caliph of Islam--The spiritual head of all the Muslims around the world after World War I. It created discontent among the Indian Muslims and they launched Khilafat Movement against the British. The Congress took the advantage of Khilafat Movement and launched Non-Cooperation Movement in order to create Hindu-Muslim Unity and convert anti-British sentiment into a nationalist awakening.