What were the consequence of liberal revolution of 1848?
The three consequence of liberal revolution of 1848 were:
• In February 1848, Republic was formed which provided suffrage, i.e., the right to vote in political elections to all the male adults above 21 and promised right to work. Accordingly, national workshops were set up to provide employment opportunities. It also brought the refusal or rejection of the monarchical power in France in 1848.
• Liberal middle-class population including men and women demanded Constitutionalism with the goal of national unification.
• Overall, the idea to create a nation states based on 3 principles were –a Constitution, Freedom of the press and Freedom of association.
• In February 1848, (malet suffarage) was given to every male and female above 21 years of age
•liberal minded middle class commons started demanding for constitutional rights
•They have got the idea of nation state which would provide equality to every citizen and govt. by consent.