Social Sciences, asked by ramulu2688, 1 year ago

what were the developments that weakened the inclusive nature of indian polity and how is the ability to accommodate different communities and regional aspirations changing​


Answered by akkant1978


The Congress party which came to power after the first general elections comprised of educated, rich elites and businessmen. It did not represent each and every section of the society thus neglecting them. This exclusive nature of the Congress party created a feeling of hatred among people of other.

After independence, there was a huge population under poverty and illiteracy prevailed among the masses. People were ignorant. They lacked their basic rights. There was huge corruption, regionalism, communalism, population explosion, violence, Naxalism, terrorism, and fights with the neighboring countries over migration and border issues. Social and economic inequalities were prevalent.

Hence there was an urgent need to reform democracy and implement strict measures. All these were obstacles in the path of India to become a successful democratic country. Democracy was to be practiced under stringent reforms.

In the Indian scenario, there has been a noticeable change in accommodating regional aspirations and different communities. The political parties have become more inclusive as they were earlier. Now, these parties are eager to represent the views of every section of the society in order to expand their rule and gain support throughout the country. To come to power and remain there, it has become important for the parties to accommodate the demands of different regions.

Answered by mdhaneef786

The factors that weekend inclusive nature of Indian policy:

  1. The declaration of emergency in 1975
  2. emergence of regional sentiments in Andhra Pradesh, Assam and Punjab etc..
  3. emergence of regional problems
  4. army revolt in Assam and religious military in Punjab and political awakening in Andhra Pradesh
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