What were the different reactions to the bloodstain that reappeared every morning? (Canterville ghost).
Mrs. Otis noticed a dull red stain on the floor just be the fireplace and ordered the stain to be cleaned. Mrs. Umney explained that the blood-stain dated back to 1575,the day Lady Eleanore de Centerville was murdered by her husband, Sir Simion Canterville, and it could not be removed. Washington quickly declared that Pinkerton's Champion stain Remover and Paragon detergent would definitely remove this persistent stain. Before the housekeeper could stop him, Washington dropped to his knees and started scrubbing the blood-stain. Strangely there was thunder and lightning. Mrs. Umney fainted in fear. All this failed to deter or frighten the Otis fanily. They reiterated and assured Mrs. Umney that they were not afraid of ghosts so there was no cause for worry.
the different reactions to the bloodstain that reappeared every morning were Mr test begin to suspect that he had been to rigid in his denile of the existence of ghost Mrs hotels express her intention of join the physical society and Washington prepare a long letter to myself more the subject of the premanandis of connected with crime