What were the features of Modern west?`
The first thing to note is that historians’ understanding of what characterises early modern Europe has changed over time. If you look at an old textbook, you will find that the early modern (as the name suggests) was seen as a forerunner of the modern period: a time of transition between the medieval and the modern. Historians looked for changes that foreshadowed important aspects of modern life, such as the rise of democracy, the tolerance of a range of religious beliefs and the movement of people from the countryside into towns (a process known as urbanisation). This approach has now been abandoned. The problem with reading history backwards – looking for the origins of later change – is that it gives a skewed picture which emphasises those features that are seen as important in modern life, but ignores other developments which might have been significant in the lives of early modern people. Historians now try to study the early modern as a period that was important in its own right, different from, but with some continuities with, both medieval and modern times.