What were the features of the lives of the bedouins in the early seventh century?
The Bedouins were Arab tribes . The main features of their lives are as follows:
• Their social organization was based on independent tribes.
• They were camel pastoralists and moved with their animals from oases to oases.
• Date palm and camel milk were their main diet.
• They indulged in looting , plundering and internal quarrels.
• They led a nomadic life.
The following are the features of the Bedouins during the 17th century:
1. The Bedouins were a tribe of Arab.
2. Independent tribes were the social organization of this tribe.
3. The people of this tribe were pastoralists who raised camel and moved with them from oases to oases.
4. Their main diet was formed of camel milk and date palm.
5. Though they led a nomadic life, they were indulged in looting plundering and regional quarrels.