What were the ‘four great truths of modern life’ which Hughie Erskine never realized? Why?
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Unless one is moneyed there's no use in being an enthralling fellow. Romance is that the privilege of the wealthy, not the profession of the idle. The poor ought to be sensible and prosaic. it's higher to own a permanent financial gain than to be fascinating. These square measure the good truths of contemporary life that Hughie Erskine ne'er accomplished. Poor Hughie! Intellectually, we tend to should admit, he wasn't of abundant importance. He ne'er same a superb or perhaps associate degree splenetic factor in his life. on the other hand he was splendidly well-favored, along with his crisp brown hair, his clear-cut profile, and his gray eyes. He was as fashionable men as he was with girls, and he had each accomplishment except that of creating cash.