What were the immediate needs of the victims of a natural calamity? How did Prashant fulfill them?
The immediate needs of the victims of a natural calamity were food, drinking water and shelter. Many of the victims needed first aid to heal their wounds. Prashant lead the rescue operations with a team of volunteers. They created a common shelter for the cyclone affected orphans and the homeless. He encouraged them for self help and divided responsibilities among men and women. Men took care of food and housing whereas women took care of cooking and caring for the injured.
Cataclysmic events have pulverizing results, making the requirement for nearby and universal help.
We contend that potential partners' states of mind toward the casualties may affect their view of the helping circumstance and the choice to give assistance.
Looking at intergroup observations in helping circumstances is basic to easing the prompt and long haul needs of those influenced by catastrophic events.