Social Sciences, asked by aman551027, 11 months ago

what were the main reasons for french revolution ? what legacy it left for the world​


Answered by dhruvmps

The french revolution had a huge impact not only on France, but also the rest of Europe and maybe even the world.

It proved that the ancient and traditional dynasties of kings, the absolute rulers could be deposed by the people.

This was the revolution that proved that the people, the majority actually had a say in the matters of state, something even the mighty kings with all their wealth and power couldn't repress.

The people not only stood up against their king, but also against all other great kings in Europe.

It also introduced in ideas of the philosophy of the Inlightment, previously carried by philosophers like Rousseau and Voltaire, the same ideas the American constitution is based on.

Now, the actual legacy is widely disputed. The main idea of the revolution was liberty, and some may maintain that it was this liberty that was expressed in excess, causing the Terror and coloration of personal security which in part lead to the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.

But most people were more impressed by what the revolution managed to do than what it didn't: the abolition of serfdom, slavery, inherited privilege, judicial torture and it's experimenting with democracy.

Another effect of the revolution, was invoking the sentiment of nationalism in Europe. Where loyalties before lied in dynasties, it now lied in your motherland.

Before the revolution, it wasn't unusual to see German mercenaries fighting against German countries on Italian or French side, or inversely.

But when Napoleon occupied countries, it provoked the organisation of nationalist groups, for example in Germany and Italy.

The legacy of the revolution is immense, so I'm sure I'm forgetting some points. Feel free to indicate them.

hope it helps u out

Answered by Fida03

The circumstances which led to the outbreak of French revolution was a combination of social,political,economic and intellectual causes.They are discussed below .


French society was divided on the basis of privilaged and non-privilaged.The first and second estates were the privilaged section of the society, they are composed of clergy and nobility respectively.And the third estate included the the common people.The first two estates were exempted from taxation. The third estate made up 80% of the total population and were forced to pay taxes like tithe and taille.They did not have political rights and social status.


When Louis XVI came to throne, he found the emptied treatury because of 3 reasons-

1.Long years of war had drained the financial resources of FRANCE

2.There was the cost of maintaining an extravagant cout at the palace of Versailles.

3.France's involvement in the American war of independence against Britain had added more than a billion livres to a debt which had already risen to 2 billion livres.


In 1774, Louis XVI of the Bourbon family of kings ascended the throne of France. He was 20 years old and married to th eAustrian princess Marie Antoinette.People of France became tired of this rotter system of administation and wanted to change.


The philosophers like Rousseau ,Montesquieu and John Locke played a significant role. The ideas of these philosophers  were didcussed intensively in salons and coffe houses and spread among people through books and newspapers .

HOPE THIS ANSWER WILL HELP YOU......................


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