What were the major political changes brought under Nazi rule?were they possible in the present democratic countries?
Q. 6
( 4 Votes )
What were the pol
Class 10th
AP Board - Social Studies
14. The World Between Wars 1900-1950 : Part - II
In 1932, Hitler came in power and his Nazi party became the largest party in the Parliament. He immediately decided to remove all democratic institutions and establish autocratic ones. Hitler turned this country into a dictatorship government. On 3 March 1933, he passed the Enabling Act. This gave him all powers to sideline the Parliament and rule by decree. Next, he banned all the political parties and trade unions except his own Nazi party. The state established complete control over the economy, media, army, and Judiciary. Later, he opposed and refused the conditions in the Versailles treaty and withdrew the country from the League of Nations. Finally, he established racial supremacy of Germans, and security forces to control over the society.
The Nazi party had controlled for almost a decade.
They developed a new form of government that can not be prevalent today.
- When Hitler took power, the Nazi party grew to be the most influential in Parliament. He decided to eliminate all democratic institutions and replace them with totalitarian institutions.
- The country was turned into a dictatorship, and he signed the enabling Act, which gave him total power to ignore Parliament and rule by decree.
- With the exception of his own Nazi party, Hitler outlawed all political parties and labour unions. The economy, media, army, and judiciary were all taken over by the state.
- Later, he refused to accept the Versailles Treaty's requirements and withdrew his nation from League of Nations. Ultimately, he built German racial superiority and security forces for maintaining control over society.
- At present, while such control may be effective in the short term, it is unsustainable. A democratic government is the finest method, and only democracy has the ability to peacefully resolve political issues.