what were the measures taken by the rulers of Bengal to increase the prosperity of the state?
➡️recognized the administrative structure.
➡️encourage the growth of agricultur, trade and industry.
➡️gave loans to poor cultivators.
➡️collected revenue regularly.
➡️removed corrupt and inefficient Jagidars.
➡️concluded peace agreements with the marathas to keep them away from Bengal.
recognized the administrative structure.
recognized the administrative structure. ➡️encourage the growth of agricultur, trade and industry.
recognized the administrative structure. ➡️encourage the growth of agricultur, trade and industry. ➡️gave loans to poor cultivators.
recognized the administrative structure. ➡️encourage the growth of agricultur, trade and industry. ➡️gave loans to poor cultivators. ➡️collected revenue regularly.
recognized the administrative structure. ➡️encourage the growth of agricultur, trade and industry. ➡️gave loans to poor cultivators. ➡️collected revenue regularly. ➡️removed corrupt and inefficient Jagidars.
recognized the administrative structure. ➡️encourage the growth of agricultur, trade and industry. ➡️gave loans to poor cultivators. ➡️collected revenue regularly. ➡️removed corrupt and inefficient Jagidars. ➡️concluded peace agreements with the marathas to keep them away from Bengal.