History, asked by rockingmahadev266, 1 year ago

what were the political causes ,social causes during eighteen century in french revolution?explain?


Answered by Raahul09
HEY ..

The three main cause of French Revolution or follow first political cause second social cause and third is economic cause.

Political. Cause:-

During the 18th century the century France was the centre of autocratic Manoj Jerry the French monitors had ultimate power and they declared himself as representative of God ruin was the exponent of the view the frenchman Aaj engaged themselves in luxurious and extensions at the royal Court of versatile they enjoyed ultimate powered by the later the catch the arrested any person at anytime and impress him they paid no attention towards their subject out of frustration he ordered oh what a burden of mine and they have taught me nothing Mare and it was the daughter of Mother Teresa the Austrian Empire she always felt proud as she was the daughter of Australian Empire she always enjoyed luxurious and external train vintage of life she showed seat of the French Revolution does the autocratic Minaj defensive administrative extravagant expenditure from the political cause of the French Revolution.

Social cause:-
The social condition of France during 18th centurywas very miserable.
The the France society was divided into three class the grocery novel and common people the closerie belong to the first state the closerie was subdivided into two groups hyuk luxury and luxury the highest paid the top position in the society they manage the churches Monsters education institutes of France they did not pay any tax of Munnar the exported the common people in various way the higher glossary live in the Madison Square test luxury Vantage the common people has a strong headed towards the higher glossary on the other hand the lower class disturb the people in true sense in the term of and their very miserable in life in the second paragraph we have sent that the second luxurious thing in the common people is very bad the novels are written by the artist engineers edition and many more.

Economic case:-
The economic condition of Transformer another cause for The breakdown of the French Revolution the economic condition of France become poor due to the foreign war of Louis xiv 7 years of words of no is 15 and the other expensive watch then proposed to impose taxes on all the classes but he was damaged by the king in the situations the king at the command and state GENERAL.
THE economic instability found one of the most important cause of the French Revolution.



Answered by Anonymous


  • Division of People in third estate - The French Society was divided into three section Clergy, Nobility and common people. Clergy were basically the priest if church and Nobles work in the Court of Louis XIV. They have all privileges while third estate had to pay heavy taxes. This is one of the main cause which led to French revolution.

  • Subsistence Crisis- The Population of France rises drastically in the dew years. Due to this there rises a demand for food grains. The production of grains was not up to mark and Poor people die due to starvation. The gap between Rich and poor widened.

  • Inspiration from Intellectual - People like Voltaire,Montesquieu and jhon locke Spread their idea throughout the France with their books, speech. They Propogate the idea of freedom. The common people got inspired.


  • Governance of Louis XIV - He was a despotic ruler. He was absolute with unlimited powers. He drained the Money of french in war. Common people were not happy in his rule.

  • Heavy taxes on third estate - The nobles and clergy enjoys the luxurious life while there were several taxes imposed only on third states like Tithes and tailes. This make them very angry which broke out in the sense of Revolution.

  • Denial of the vote- This made the revolution triggered. When in the meeting of estates general, third estate asked for one man,one vote. Louis XIV denied it. The third estate walked out in protest. They later wrote the whole constitution in tennis court ground.

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