what were the problems created by permanent settlement
1. Some scholars who hold the opinion that the Permanent Settlement adversely affected the interests of the landlords, peasants and the company alike. 2. The Permanent Settlement brought about an adverse effect on the Zamidars. Many of them could not realize or collect the land revenue from the tenants and consequently could not pay the money to the government in time as a result their lands were sold. 3. The Permanent Settlement adversely affected the income of the company as the revenue was fixed quite on the low side due to lack of proper measurement. 4. It hurt the national feeling of the people because this system created a special class of zamindars in the country who became the true devotees of the English. 5. It was really a great mistake on the part of Cornwallis that he deprived the majority of the cultivators of the right of ownership of land and made the landlords owners of the land. 6.The agreement of permanent Settlement Act only included the revenue earning but there was no mention of the use of the land. Thus to earn more money from the land, the Company officials and Zamindars insisted on planting Indigo and cotton rather than wheat and rice 7. This was the cause of many worst famines of the Bengal.
- The Permanent Settlement of Bengal was brought by the East India Company in 1793 who head was Governor-General Lord Cornwallis.
- Basically, it was an agreement to fix the land revenue between the company and the Zamindars .It was first passed in Bengal, Bihar and Odisha, later followed in district of Varanasi and northern Madras Presidency .
- Cornwallis thought settlement inspired by the prevailing system of land revenue in England. According to which the landlords were the permanent masters of their holdings. They collected revenue from their peasants and take care their interests.
- He imagined the formation of a hereditary class of landlords in India. This settlement is also called a Zamindari System.
Problems created by permanent settlement:
- The efficiency depended upon the nature of the landlords . If they were good, the land and the interests of the farmers were looked after very well. They make some improvements in the land which will be beneficial for everyone. But if the landlords were bad, they were negligent the conditions of the land and the plight of the farmers.
- This system created a class of hereditary landlords forming the upper nobility in society who generally guided luxurious and expensive lifestyles.
- The land assessment was not done correctly and land revenue was fixed randomly. So, the both productive and unproductive land was expected to provide revenue at the same rates which created a burden on the farmers of unproductive land. To the government it was a loss of revenue in the case of productive land.
- Revenue rates were very high, due to which many Zamindars became debtors. In time, this system proved to have devastating effects. In 1811, the British government warned against the implementation of permanent settlement without a accurate land survey.