What were the reason that spread nationalism in India
1. Political Unification:
India became politically unified under British hegemony. It also brought administrative unity inside the country.
2. Development in the means of communication and transport:
Lord Dalhousie made a lasting contribution for Indians by introducing railways, telegraph and new mode of postal system
3. Impact of Western Education:
The introduction of English education in 1835 was a milestone in the British administration.
4. Rediscovery of Indian’s glorious past:
The nineteenth century Indian Renaissance created several avenues in the field of oriental studies.
5. Socio-Religious Reform Movements:
The national awakening in the nineteenth century was largely due to the socio-religious movements launched by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Vivekananda, Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Annie Basant etc. equality, individual liberty, abolition of social disparity and so on.
6. Growth of Vernacular Literature:
The influence of western education prompted the educated Indians to reflect the idea of liberty, freedom and nationalism through the vernacular literature
7. Press and Newspaper:
Press and magazines played a dominant role in injecting national feelings in the minds of Indian.
8. Economic Exploitation of British:
A nation of shop-keepers, the British people paralyzed Indian economy by draining wealth from this country.
9. Racial Antagonism:
The Englishmen considered themselves as superior in all respects than the Indians.
10. The Atrocities of Lord Lytton:
The administration of Lord Lytton discharged venom in the minds of Indian people.
11. The Ilbert Bill Controversy:
During the period of Lord Ripon as Viceroy, the Ilbert Bill was passed. It empowered the Indian judges to try the Europeans.
12. The Birth of Indian National Congress:
The birth of Indian National Congress in 1885 gave a final spark to the growth of national consciousness among the Indians. Soon, the National Congress gained momentum in the nook and comer of India.
Thus, these factors encouraged nationalism. A new spirit was instilled in to the body, mind and soul of the Indians. They now rose up from slumber and jumped into the freedom struggle. The sun of British raj was about to set. The birth of Indian National Congress in 1885 galvanized the process. This Indian National Congress played a vital role in achieving India’s independence.