What were the reasons behind the failure of National Council of Education?
National Council of Education framed in 1906 was the consequence of contemporary debates about instruction. In 1904, the colleges demonstration was passed. It reconstituted the Calcutta University's Senate and Syndicate by choosing progressively white individuals into them to empower the legislature to control its arrangements. The administration chose to disaffiliate numerous private Indian Colleges, which had jumped up of late since they were viewed as hot beds of patriot tumult. The two measures were considered endeavors to denationalize instruction. The measures blended the patriot bhadraloks to move for elective frameworks of training.
At that point came the extraordinary political change released by the parcel of bengal in 1905. The counter segment fomentation had as its declaration, Swadeshi, or blacklist of outside modes and furthermore national training. On 16 November the Landholders Association sorted out a gathering at Park Street, gone to by 1500 representatives, among whom were famous men of the time. The possibility of the National Council of Education was mooted here. The points of Swadeshi and blacklist in training were Rabindra Narayan Ghosh, Nipendra Chandra Banerjee, Radhakumud Mukherjee and Binoy Kumar Sarkar. The blacklist was strengthened by the Rangpur occurrence of 3 November 1905.