What were the staps taken by gandhi ji to improve the condition of dalits?
Gandhi was not only a freedom fighter but also a great social reformer. He took fallowing steps and practices to eliminate the problem of untouchability :
1. He termed the untouchables as harijans i.e sons of God and started weekly publication with the same name for their cause.
2. He launched satyagraha for the entry of untouchables into temple, access to public wells and other public places.
3. He adopted a harijan girl and married her to a brahaman boy.
4. He went to fast unto death against the separate electorates for untouchables.
5. He set up All India Anti-Untouchability League which later renamed the Harijan Sevak Sang. It worked for the upliftment of untouchables.
6. He regarded untouchability as a greater evil and opined that it is not possible to win freedom until untouchability is abolished.
The child labour concept leads to confusion as it is guided by various individual considerations. So a standard has ... To any economy the child can be natural resources. The child can