English, asked by Lapang, 1 year ago

What were the three visions of Dr.Kalam for India? Do you think they are important? Give reasons to justify your answer


Answered by vandy2605
First vision is of Freedom. He speaks of our rich history of not invading any country in past 3000 years and more even though we have been invaded, looted and ruled by the Greeks, the Turks, the Moguls, the Portuguese, the British, the French, the Dutch to name a few. Yet we choose to respect the freedom of others. So he wants us to respect the freedom which we fought so hard to gain and protect it and nurture and build a free country respected by all.

Second vision is of Development. He argues we have been a developing nation from past 50 years or so in spite of having a GDP to be in top 5 rising nations and poverty line crumbling apart in face of the 10 per cent growth in most areas. Then why do we not see ourselves as a developed nation in near future. Why is there such a lack of confidence to be self reliant and self assured?

His third vision for the nation was based on equality, the dignity of the individual and justice, social, economic and political, to every Indian. Only then can India succeed and everybody sing the song of India, he quoted. He highlighted our success stories from milk revolution to the wheat and rice production, and many more. He asked every citizen that it is quick for us to point out that our government is inefficient, our laws are too old, municipality does not come and pick the garbage, the railways are joke, the airline is the worst in the world, that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the absolute pit. We just say, say, and say.

Answered by AryanTennyson
There was three vision of Dr.Kalam freedom, development and confrontation of India to the world.From my point of view it is important because these are the main pillars that any country or nation can be prosperous.
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