What were the viewpoints of the liberals??
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It was 2004, and I was sleeping in my car behind St. Martin’s Methodist Church just outside of downtown Austin, TX. My car, a 92 Geo Storm, had broken down 3 weeks prior, and I had neither cell phone, nor money for repairs. My days were spent wandering downtown, asking strangers for cigarettes and knocking on doors in the nearby Enfield suburbs to pass out hand written flyers, offering myself for any manual labor someone might have available. Nobody did, but I tried. My hair was long and greasy, my clothes were dirty, and my eyes had that dead look. Not from alcohol, or drugs, but from resignation and defeat. Each evening would find me stumbling back to my car behind that church, downtrodden and in despair. These are things that my family doesn’t know; they would have helped, but something held me back from asking. I say it was pride, but really, I was just an idiot.
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