What were two methods of making
stone tools in an ancient peirod!
Stone tool making techniques:
We can broadly group the stone tool
making techniques of prehistoric periods into
four. They are: 1) Percussion, 2) Blade, B)
Grinding and Polishing, and 4) Shattering.
Out of these four groups, the percussion group has two sub-groups viz.,
A) the direct percussion and B) the indirect percussion. The direct
percussion sub-group consists of eight techniques. They are discussed
under the following heads.
Stone tool making techniques:
We can broadly group the stone tool
making techniques of prehistoric periods into
four. They are: 1) Percussion, 2) Blade, B)
Grinding and Polishing, and 4) Shattering.
Out of these four groups, the percussion group has two sub-groups viz.,
A) the direct percussion and B) the indirect percussion. The direct
percussion sub-group consists of eight techniques. They are discussed
under the following heads