what what ware significant changes
in the Soviet union after the death of lenin
Soon after Lenin's death, Stalin joined Zinoviev and Kamenev in a Politburo Triumvirate. By 1924 they had one important thing in common, to get rid of the troublesome Trotsky. But this was no easy task. Trotsky was after all the creator of the Red Army and had played a huge role during the October Revolution and was intellectually and as orator superior to Stalin. Here Stalin found his countermeasures in Zinoviev and Kamenev, and by letting them fight Trotsky, Stalin could appear as "The Golden Centre Man". There are multiple theories on the hostility between Stalin and Trotsky, and when it began. But a huge political divider became Stalin's idea of "Socialism in One Country" vs Trotsky's "Permanent Revolution". Stalin's idea, was in the mid-1920s actually revolutionary in itself. The entire Bolshevik concept had been to begin at home, in Russia, and then "export" the revolution to the West. By 1925 it had become apparent that all revolutionary movements in Germany and elsewhere had failed. In Italy even a counter-socialistic movement, Fascism, had come to power. From these perspectives did not that few Bolsheviks suddenly see Stalin's idea as sound when compared to Trotsky's. [6] Trotsky was first removed as Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs (January 1925), removed from the Politburo (October 1926), removed from the Central Committee (October 1927), expelled from the Communist Party (November 1927), exiled to Alma–Ata in Kazakhstan (January 1928), and exiled from the Soviet Union (February 1929).