What will be over all effect on that ecosystem
The physical environment along with the organisms (biota) inhabiting that space, make up an ecosystem. Some typical examples of ecosystems include: a farm pond, a mountain meadow, and a rain forest.
An ecosystem follows a certain sequence of processes and events through the days, seasons, and years. The processes include not only the birth, growth, reproduction, and death of biota in that particular ecosystem, but also the interactions between species and physical characteristics of the geological environment. From these processes the ecosystem gains a recognizable structure and function, and matter and energy are cycled and flow through the system. Over time, better adapted species come to dominate; entirely new species may change, perhaps in a new or altered ecosystem.
The basic level of ecological organization is with the individual, a single plant, insect or bird. The definition of ecology is based on the interactions of organisms with their environment. In the case of an individual, it would entail the relationships between that individual and numerous physical (rain, sun, wind, temperature, nutrients, etc.) and biological (other plants, insects, diseases, animals, etc.) factors. The next level of organization is the population. Populations are no more than a collection of individuals of the same species within an area or region. We can see populations of humans, birch trees, or sunfish in a pond. Population ecology is concerned with the interaction of the individuals with each other and with their environment.
The next, more complex, level of organization is the community. Communities are made up of different populations of interacting plants, animals, and microorganisms also within some defined geographic area. Different populations within a community interact more among themselves than with populations of the same species in other communities, therefore, there are often genetic differences between members of two different communities. The populations in a community have evolved together, so that members of that community provide resources (nutrition, shelter) for each other.
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