Hindi, asked by bimalkdhal80111, 3 months ago

what will be the base word of instruct
mujhe iska right answer cahiye​


Answered by XxItzYourMajestyxX


early 15c., "to tell, inform, impart knowledge or information," also "furnish with authoritative directions," from Latin instructus, past participle of instruere "arrange, prepare, set in order; inform, teach," literally "to build, erect," from in- "on" (from PIE root *en "in") + struere "to pile, build" (from PIE * ...

Answered by ranu12364


The noun instruction is related to the word structure both share the Latin root structus, "built." The use of the word as we know it today appeared in the early 15th century from the Old French. Today it refers to the action of teaching and the job of a teacher. It can also be used to denote the directions themselves.


hope it will help you

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