What will be the time at 90°east if it is 10 am at 40° east?
What is the time at 40 degrees East when it is 10 am at 40 degrees West?
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Did you check similar questions before entering this one? This kind of question comes frequently with different longitudes and times.
Basically, you can’t say. The whole world is covered by time zones, so you need to find a time zone corresponding to your places. And for that you need to know the latitudes, and also on the time of year. Any answer that you read that starts with something like “every 1° is equal to 4 minutes” is wrong. That's not the way we tell the time any more.
Take a look at and the time zone map at , and adapt the values:
Find a convenient time zone at 40° W. From the map, time zones include UTC-4 and UTC-5. So your 10:00 correspond to 14:00 or 15:00 UTC.
Find a convenient time zone at 40° E. From the map, time zones include UTC+2, UTC+3 and UTC+4. So the time there could be 17:00, 18:00, 19:00 or 20:00. One time that it most certainly would not be is 15:20.
Can you tell me why you asked this seemingly meaningless question? Do you have a teacher who has slept through the introduction of time zones 150 years ago?
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15-degrees of longitude translates to 1-hour difference in time, the result of dividing 360-degrees on rotation by 24-hours (360/24 = 15-degrees per hour)
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west . . . . . so in a large country like Russia, when it is morning at a western location, it could be evening at an eastern location.
You have a longitudinal difference of 80-degrees, meaning 80/15 = 5 + 1/3 hours or 5-hours and 20-minutes. If it is 10AM in Western Russia, it could be 3PM in Eastern Russia.
So for 80-degrees longitudinal difference between 2-locations, 10AM at 40-degrees West (Eastern Brazil) could translate to 3:20 PM exactly at 40-degrees East (Eastern Africa). However, nations use whole hours . . . so 3:00PM most likely
1 TIME ZONE = ______ DEGREES OF LONGITUDE ... You can use their site to ... of the dates may change if an event occurs between midnight UT and Eastern time) ... Time (h:m AM/PM).