What will be the value of maximum acceleration
of the truck in the forward direction so that the block
kept on the back does not topple ?
(1) ag/h
(2) hg/a
(3) ag/2h
(4) h/bg

★ Acceleration = ag / h
At the point of topple ; the acceleration should be ag / h .

If the block is at equilibrium with respect to the truck,then the torque about any point must be eqaul to zero
Let us find the torque about point A,(as shown in figure)
There are two forces ,, acting on the block
one is pseduo force which acts in in opposite direction of motion
one is pseduo force which acts in in opposite direction of motionother is ,Normal force
torque of pseudo force about A=F×r
Since the force is acting from the centre,,
r from the line of force to A=h/2
torque about A due to this force=ma'×h/2
using the thumb rule we can say this torque is in anticlockwise direction
to balance.it, the torque due to mg force should be eqaul and in anticlockwise direction
torque due to mg force=mg×r
r is the distance from line of force of mg To A
clearly r=a/2
torque about A due to mg force=mga/2
now,to maintain eqauilbrium these two torques must be eqaul
So, maximum acceleration should be ga/h,upto which block will not topple