Social Sciences, asked by khushi175367, 5 months ago

what will be your choice if you are given a chance to live in Nazi Germany or communist Russia


Answered by cutipiebabydoll


The study of human fertility is of paramount importance in population studies. Human fertility is responsible for the biological replacement and maintenance of the human species, since every society replenishes itself and grows through the process of fertility. Therefore, in context of population dynamics it is important to note that fertility is one of the major counteractive forces that aids in overcoming mortality. Contrary to this, an increased level of fertility more than desired might result in population explosion [1]. India is the largest democracy of the world and is expected to reach the replacement level fertility by 2020. In spite of these welcoming trends, India still adds 16 million people to its population every year [2, 3]. This is primarily because of the marked cultural diversity of India wherein the factors that affect the fertility status vary from one population to another [4]. Studies have reported that there are plethora of factors that affect the fertility pattern of a population, either directly or indirectly. Age at menarche, age at marriage, age at first conception, and number of conceptions and live births are some of the biological factors that determine fertility. In contrast to this, the educational status, occupation status, household per capita annual income, family type, and use of birth control measures are the social factors that affect the fertility pattern of a population. Among the social factors that affect the fertility status of a population, preference for male child is one of the most important. The preference for a male child among the parents in the Indian society is one of the most important reasons leading to the explosion of population in the society [5–7].

The present study in the light of this tries to determine the various biological and social factors that govern the fertility pattern among an endogamous Hindu caste group that is the Jat.

2. Materials and Methods

The Jats are an endogamous community of North India. They follow strict mating patterns with community endogamy and clan exogamy. In the present study, 15 villages with thickly populated Jat community in Palwal district, Haryana state were selected. A pretested and modified interview schedule was framed and utilized for the collection of data. Household survey was conducted among a total of 1014 ever married women. Informed written consent was taken from the participants before beginning the interview and they were familiarized with the purpose of the present study. The interviews were conducted in isolation in order to maintain privacy and confidentiality of the study. Information pertaining to the reproductive history of the respondent, namely, age at menarche, age at marriage, age at first conception, age at last conception, and age at menopause, number of conceptions, and number of live births were ascertained from the participants. Besides this, the data pertaining to education status, occupation, per capita annual income, and birth control measure were also collected from the participants.

Statistical analysis was performed through SPSS version 20. The data was represented in terms of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Student’s -test was used when the difference between the means in two groups was considered; however when more than two groups were present analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. Stepwise regression analysis was utilized to ascertain the variables that affected fertility in the present study.

3. Results and Discussions

3.1. Measures of Fertility Rate

In the present study, certain measures of fertility are utilized in order to understand the fertility trends of the present population. A comparative analysis of the fertility rates for the present study in comparison to the Haryana and Indian estimates is as given in Table 1. The findings reveal that the crude birth rate of the presently studied population is comparable to the Haryana and India statistics. However, general fertility rate, general marital fertility rate, and the child women ratio of the studied community are higher as compared to the estimates from Haryana and India

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