What will happen to the water when a thin capillary tube is replaced with another insufficient length of tube ?
A .will over flow
B. will not rise
C. depressed
D. change its meniscus
Option (B)✓
(Will not rise).
Capillarity, rise or depression of a liquid in a small passage such as a tube of small cross- sectional area, like the space between the fibres of a towel or the opening in a porous material.
hope it helps ☺️
you are welcome in my ans
water form convex (outermost bulky) shape when seem capillary from the above so the no change in meniscus .
The water exert uptherust and form a stretched membrane in case of capillary the flow of water take depend on flowing condition .
area of cross section of tube
atmospheric pressure
the depth of water
Hight of capillary too
if the hight of replaced capillary is less then depth of water then
water will over flow.
if depth of water is less then tube then no rise of water and option B is right in this case .
Hope it may helps you