English, asked by vaichaku7741, 7 months ago

What will the cause of the end of the world if it has to perish twice


Answered by Josephrudyardroot


According to Robert Frost in his poem Fire and Ice the world would end either by the devastation caused by fire or ice.

Answered by mistaaj5578


My theory suggests that Human would be responsible for their own salvation. Today it's Covid-19, tomorrow it would be virus x

turning people into zombies. I think monarchy was better than today's government system, atleast they knew which king was cruel,unlike today it's like wolf in sheeps disguise...

Anyhow awnsering your ques...

Albert Einstein said... " I don't know by which weapons WW3 would be faugh, but WW4 would be faught with sticks and stones "

Hence humans will be responsible for their own salvation

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