What would the government do to fulfill the objective of attaining a literate and healthy society
To attain a literate and healthy society in India the government should adapt foreign policies from different countries like-->>
1. Transform all private schools to government schools with quality education with same fee as taken by private ones.
2. Initiate free education for poor children.
3. Bring a law which states that " Every private and government school should have at-least 30% seats reserved for Lower caste and poor and no fee will be requested from them"
4. Initiate a program to provide quality healthcare facility in government hospitals.
5. Make costly treatment of max 10 lakhs free for poor people.
6. Make a policy or law which states that " the money will be refunded taken by hospitals from patient if the operations was unsuccessful means the patient died , hospitals will not be allowed to charge full bill if the patient has died".