English, asked by AYUSH28900, 5 hours ago

What would you do in order to protect birds in our environment?​


Answered by ocanadaslie01


1. Mark Windows

Birds tend to hit windows because they cannot see them as an obstruction. This usually leads to death after birds accidentally crash on the windows.

Birds may also encounter life-ending injuries such as broken wings and necks. Marking windows is the solution. This is best served by using decals and frosted glass, allowing the birds to avoid the glass.

2. Keep the Pets Indoors

Cats and other house pets are fond of hunting smaller animals, especially birds. This harms the population of the birds, which can be devastating in the case of endangered species. The problem can be contained by ensuring that the pets remain indoors and are unable to attack the birds.

3. Use Natural Pest Control

Many bird species predate on smaller rodents and animals to sustain themselves. These rodents feed off of grain and cereals that they find in the open. Some birds feed of the same grains as well. However, these food sources for birds can be tampered with by using chemicals for pest control.

Chemical pesticides such as Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), while very effective as pesticides, do not organically decompose quickly and can be passed from pest to bird.

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This means that any birds that feed off of pests or seeds that have come into contact with this chemical slowly accumulate fatal amounts of the chemical within their bloodstreams. Natural pest control measures ensure that this does not happen.

4. Vote Against the Use of Chemical Pesticides

Due to the very reasons stated above, it is very important that individuals convince their lawmakers to stop farmers from using the chemicals by making up legislation that can be enforced.

This ensures that the chemicals are not imported into nations and at the same time dissuade individuals from using them. It will keep birds free from harm.

5. Do Not Purchase Birds Illegally

The endangered bird species’ are numerous and they all attract high prices on the black market due to their rarity. By purchasing these birds as pets, one bolsters the market and provides an incentive for poachers to continue to decimate the already fragile populations.

By not participating in the market, the poachers are starved of profits and the incentive to poach the birds is lost.

6. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint (global warming increases pest numbers that kill birds such as ticks)

Parasites are part of the reason why birds suffer and their dwindling numbers. Attacks by ticks and mites can lead to weakened bird populations. This is mostly due to a rise in the number of parasites in the wild.

Their increase can be traced to the rising global temperatures that make for shorter winters with higher average temperatures. This means that more insects survive the winter cycle each season. To combat this, we should reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

7. Join Conservation Groups

Conservation groups actively participate in conservation attempts in order to protect endangered species. These groups are especially beneficial as they are able to pull in larger amounts of funds from donors. T

hey also practice better coordination tactics that have more of an impact on bird conservation efforts.

8. Place Trash in Appropriate Bins

Birds tend to be curious about the garbage that people produce. Dumping things in the open usually leads to birds attempting to eat whatever has been dumped. This includes materials such as paper and shiny plastic beads.

This could end up harming the birds or causing diseases and infections. It also places the birds at risk of being attacked by other animals as they try to pick out food. Putting trash in inappropriate places lessens the chances of these problems.

9. Learn and Obey the Hunting Laws of Your Region

Hunting laws work towards maintaining a balance between hunting and protection of animal species. Hunting without having an idea what species the government is keen on protecting could mean that you are damaging a program in place to replenish bird populations. One should understand what they can hunt for when acquiring their permit to avoid such scenarios.

10. Slow Down on the Road

A number of bird deaths occur when they run into vehicles while flying low over the tarmac. While it is hard to avoid, there is a chance that more birds could be saved if more individuals slowed down around country regions, especially if flocks of birds had been sighted close by.

Answered by manishashetty43
Stop killing them we should stop cutting their resources and water and fire and would we have to not catch them we have to leave the free stop cage in the ones and putting them in zoos let them fly around freely these are some of the steps we can start saving the environment for birds
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