what would you require to charge an electroscope with a positive charge by conduction?
When the process of charging by conduction is complete, the electroscope acquires an excess negative charge due to the movement of electrons onto it from the metal sphere. The metal sphere is still charged negatively, only it has less excess negative charge than it had prior to the conduction charging process.
The electroscope can be charged by two ways
Charging by conduction:
When an ebonite rode which is negetively charged is brought in contact with the metal knob,all the negetive charges flow through the metal rod to reach the metal leaves and they diverge as same charges repel.If we bring glass rod in contact with the metal knob,all the negetive charges travel through the metal rod to the glass rod.Therefore the leaves diverge.
Charging by induction:
When ebonite rod is brought near the metal knob,the the negetive charges get repelled to the leaves therefore leaving it positively charged and the leaves diverge.If the knob of the electroscope is earthed (connected to the earth through a charged rod,the free electrons leaves escape to the charged rod due to which the leaves collapse (the attract).If the earthed wire removed,the positive charge gets distributed over the metal leaves and diverge.To charge electroscope negetively same procedure is used but we use positively charged rod.