Science, asked by AMAYTRIPATHI, 1 year ago

what you understand by string theory? how it confirms the presence of higher dimensions like 11-D?



Answered by Anonymous
the string theory asserts that the fundamental units of matter are not the point-like particles but
miniscule stretches of threadlike entities called "strings." This is the very idea which has given birth to string theory. The belief that
The fundamental units of matter may be
minuscule bits of string have birth to the very interesting theory which is called as string theory. String theory envision the basic units
of matter as minuscule stretches of threadlike strings rather than point
particles. It was Introduced in the mid-1970s, the string theory has stimulated
a great deal of theoretical excitement even though this theory has no connection
to experiments so far.
One of the most interesting features of the string theories for me is that it predict the existence of
extra spatial (excluding time) dimensions, This multitude of extra dimensions, beyond the familiar three dimensions of space plus one of time, gives us a new approaches to account for some of the unsolved mystery of the Standard Model of particle physics.
This theory also has the potential to provide insights into the unsolved mysteries of cosmos for instance
the nature of the Big Bang and the origin of dark matter and dark energy .

accidentently in the mid 1970s physicists somehow felt that they could obtain a quantum gravity theory by
postulating that the fundamental building blocks of nature are not point particles, a notion perhaps even more profound traditional notion that
goes back at least as far as the ancient Greeks that instead of point like particles tiny strands of string are the fundamental block of matter.
strings are not simply a smaller like our shoelaces. Rather, they are geometrical objects that shows a fundamentally different way of thinking about matter. In these theory , two quarks interacting strongly are connected by a stream
of carriers of the strong force, which forms a "flux tube." The potential energy between the two quarks grows linearly with the distance between the quarks.

we know it as the proportionality constant that turns the distance between the strongly interacting
particles into a quantity with the units of energy "Tstring" because it has the dimensions of mass per unit length as one would expect for a string's tension. In real, one can think of the object formed by the flux
tube of strong force carriers being exchanged between the two quarks as being an effective string, with
tension Tstring.
One of the mysteries of strong interactions is that the basic charged objects—the quarks—are never
seen alone. The string picture explains that If one tries to pull the quarks farther and
farther apart the growing energy of the flux tube favors the creation of another quark/anti-
quark pair in the middle of the existing quark pair; the string breaks, and is replaced by two new flux tubes
connecting the two new pairs of quarks. For this reason and others, string descriptions of the strong interaction.

hope it helped

AMAYTRIPATHI: well answered
AMAYTRIPATHI: perfectly explai
Anonymous: thanks
Anonymous: who discovered it??
Answered by Rriya

string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. It describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other.

The collapsed dimensions are too small to observe directly. It is not clear how many collapsed dimensions are required for a string theory that is in best agreement with observations of the physical universe, but mathematical constraints currently favor string theories with 10, 11, or 26 dimensions.

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