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What is defined as a house has really branched out from what a house traditionally was decades ago. However, there are two defining ways of categorizing types of houses, meaning that some could be looking for different architectural styles, while others are inquiring about different residential building structures. Architectural style refers to the style of the house, and types of residential building structures encompass whether it's a house made for a single-family, townhouse, etc.nnTo put it into perspective, types of houses by structure include the following:nnSingle Family Detached HousenApartmentnBungalownCabinnCarriage/Coach HousenCastlenCave HousenChaletnChateaunCondominiumnContainer HomenCo-OpnCottagenDome HousesnFortnIn-Law Suite (also called a Basement Suite)nMansionnManornMcMansionnMobile HomenMulti-FamilynPalacenTiny HomenTownhomenTreeHousenRanch-StylenUnderground HousenVillanYurtnFloating Water Residences (Houseboats, etc)