Environmental Sciences, asked by tavneet1955, 3 months ago

Whats are inhumane farming methods are detrimental to both crops and animals


Answered by WintaeBearTATA


Factory farming systems demand fast-growing or high-yielding animals. This puts the animals at risk of developing often-painful physiological problems. Lameness, weakened or broken bones, infections and organ failure are common health problems for factory farmed animals.

Answered by sqq4567


Industrialized intensive containment farming is inhumane to animals, hard on the land, and bad for the people who live near these places, or downstream from them. The two worst problems with these forms of farming are animal stress and disease, and disposal of manure. First anytime you crowd animals you give diseases a perfect chance to infect all the members of the group. In order to prevent this from happening the animals are fed antibiotics, which in turn leads to increase bacterial resistance, which makes our antibiotics less useful every day. So this form of intensive farming is a danger though it’s induced bacterial resistance. Even with this antibiotic use there are still a higher than normal death rate from conditions such as pneumonia than animals kept in non-intensive situation.

The bacterial resistance come into play again when the manure from these animals is applied to fields as fertilizer or worst yet just stored in open lagoons. As it is applied to fields the manure is blown about in the wind and people downwind have become ill with resistant bacteria. When water falls on the manure in the fields, and in the lagoons it is washed into streams, creeks, and rivers, leading to algae blooms and the death of many fish in these waterways. As well as creating dead zones where the largest rivers empties into oceans, where because of lack of 02 no sea life can live there.

The manure from these containment farms also tends to be deficient in some nutrients usually microminerals, plants grown using this manure fertilizer will also be lacking these minerals. So the food isn’t as healthy when eaten. This is truly a sad situation because animal manure from grazed animals is wonderful fertilizer, and soil improver, and conditioner. It is a good way to rebuild eroded soils.

The measure of the harm to animals, well, a professor from the University of Iowa was so in to lip service of industrial confinement farming, he wouldn’t admit that grass was the natural food of cattle. The lock that big agi-company have on what is being taught, as well as what research is financed in Ag Colleges. So not only are they happy with the status quo, and are will to use their money to keep it that way. This will insure that factory farming continues. The thing is this is totally unsupportable, there is a way to supply the meat, dairy and, eggs, with out these farms. Some would involve the decentralize of our production of meat, dairy, and eggs. Instead of huge meatpacking plants centralized in midwestern states, but instead have smaller plants in a number of different states, in the northeast, southeast, northwest, as well as the midwest.

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