Whats recommendations and conclusions can you make on the issue of xenophobia :government
Arrest and persecute those responsible
Xenophobia can be described as a deep dislike of non-nationals by nationals of a recipient country. In South Africa, the rate of xenophobia attacks has been on the rise since 1994 through discrimination and acts of violence due to lack of services and competition for resources. The South African government has failed to arrest and prosecute those responsible. In most instances, thousands of immigrants and foreign nationals flock into South Africa each year seeking refuge from; economic crisis, poverty, war and government persecutions from their mother countries. However, Xenophobia in South Africa has resulted in violence against these groups as most South Africans regard them as; competitors of scarce resources, takers of job opportunities from local South Africans, and criminals. This has been motivated through cultural stereotyping, historical, political and institutional reasons i.e., segregation and isolation policies, and economic reasons such as poverty, unemployment and inadequate border control. The government has an obligation to protect migrants and foreign national from xenophobic attacks by persecuting and arresting those involved.
The main recommendation and conclusion for the community and government on xenophobia is simply becoming acquainted with a particular culture rather than rejecting it. Everyone must analyse these things in specific ways, which are as simple as daily conversations about location issues, weather, and other topics.
Cross-cultural scholarship - In today's multi-cultural societies, where emigration is no longer an option, xenophobia limits global integration. These days, our emotions are visceral, irrational, and misplaced. Our mental prejudices have prevented appropriate cultural appropriation and have exacerbated our negative attitudes toward immigrants.
All of this may change in the near future as social networking, travel, interracial marriages, and the breakdown of many taboos and fears in many societies become more prevalent. This is possibly the last frontier to be conquered in terms of human cognitive behaviour. Overall, this will lead to greater harmony in our world, which is a necessary condition for world peace.
On a personal level, avoiding a culture should not be the solution if you are unfamiliar with it. Try getting to know them through simple conversations about the weather, local issues, and so on. You'll discover that the 'alien' is actually quite similar to you.
Scholarship that spans cultures - More open minds and the elimination of negative attitudes toward immigrants could be a good place to start.