whats the difference between mind and consciousness? Does consciousness exist in the state of NO MIND?
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On Understanding … The Library of the Mind
Think of “The Mind” - as being the “Space” - like a “Library” where we as humans record and store the belief systems that we all create about the causes and effects we experience in LIFE (Life Is For Explorations).
Therefore “Mind” is the library space … but the author and her/his belief books are BOTH conscious “with-knowing”. All Beliefs are Alive and with Self-Sustaining Know How!
Then by thinking - in simplistic terms, that we have a left side in our “Mind Space” where our beLIEfs are grouped into one of two sections we call the EGO (Energy Generating Opposition) and on the opposite right side of our mental library are all of the Loving Truths about stuff all grouped together in an area that we call our SOUL (Spirit Of Universal Love).
Now here is an unbelievable SECRET that for obvious reasons have been kept from humanity for over 4,000 years.
Those EGO beliefs want,
Consciousness is the I or Subject-witness of the Experience.
Its like an emptiness ( empty container ) that can be fed any experience, just like in an empty glass you can put any drink you wish. The (side of the) Emptiness does not choose what experiences: but can only try to strive for an outcome: it is the active agent of the experience- making or exchange of information with World possible.
Conscious-mind is the Experiencer (that Subject I) of/in the Mind ( the persona made of predispositions, memories, tendencies, desires, plans, ideas, thoughts…) with which that consciousness is associated.
The associated Consciousness (with the Mind) has preferences and conducts actions - but also finds and meets reactions and results.
It is always the Consciousness that chooses Actively its own actions- but it can not choose the reactions of the world, only witness Passively.
The Consciousness in its state, as experienced “normally”, is always partial and separated from its other Side. ( because it's associated and focused on its local partial limited Mind) . The other Side of Itself is still Consciousness-but unconscious (to the local Mind)- or under the threshold of its conscious experience: it can be reviled in a dream, psychoanalytic work, internal search, revelation- or it can remain under the threshold creating issues and problems, even diseases.
When unconscious , these contents retain its energy and influence, sometimes even more then if conscious: why?
Because, as unaddressed they accumulate and swell up.
Only Conscious assimilation and resolution can deal with them: but now on a higher cognitive and conscious level.
Good objective benchmark (measure) of the level of consciousness is: how much certain mind-Consciousness feel in Union or assimilated with the greater Universe-World.
The smaller the location around it-the smaller the Mind and consciousness associated with it.
Narcisists, in fact, or pathological sociopaths, do not and can not think of the bigger picture then their local (selfish sick little twisted) desires. They can be even very intelligent in an execution of plan- yet so limited as to the inclusion of others: by Rule, they exclude everything except their compulsive desire’s end.
Opposite of it: altruists and compassionate people feel the Union between their Conscious mind the the greater World and act accordingly: with service, help or even sacrifice for the greater World. Greater consciousness automatically means greater Love for the World and for inclusion and Union.
Thats why Love is Wise (by definition) and intelligent (by nature). It makes ever greater Unions with the World around it. The Consciousness-Love on this level is: patient, kind and understanding.
Love and Consciousness are perhaps the 2 “faces” (duality) of the same Source/creator: one total emptiness - the other total fullness.
And the creation is the third aspect, of the dynamic dance between them. ( representing the world-Universe)
An Absolute Alive Pure Subject-Being: and its creation!
The connection between Love and Consciosness is not apparent easily, unless one takes into account the tendencies and qualities of both:
both are Subjective experienceCon is empty trying to grow by including ever greater Unions - striving toward absolute Love- total Union.Love, in its total embrace is Empty (like Consciousness): only Emptiness can embrace and give “Space” for All.That way Fulness (love) and Emptiness (consciousness) become One- are in fact already One.has been are and will be One.the world of (objective) Motion and (subjective)
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Think of “The Mind” - as being the “Space” - like a “Library” where we as humans record and store the belief systems that we all create about the causes and effects we experience in LIFE (Life Is For Explorations).
Therefore “Mind” is the library space … but the author and her/his belief books are BOTH conscious “with-knowing”. All Beliefs are Alive and with Self-Sustaining Know How!
Then by thinking - in simplistic terms, that we have a left side in our “Mind Space” where our beLIEfs are grouped into one of two sections we call the EGO (Energy Generating Opposition) and on the opposite right side of our mental library are all of the Loving Truths about stuff all grouped together in an area that we call our SOUL (Spirit Of Universal Love).
Now here is an unbelievable SECRET that for obvious reasons have been kept from humanity for over 4,000 years.
Those EGO beliefs want,
Consciousness is the I or Subject-witness of the Experience.
Its like an emptiness ( empty container ) that can be fed any experience, just like in an empty glass you can put any drink you wish. The (side of the) Emptiness does not choose what experiences: but can only try to strive for an outcome: it is the active agent of the experience- making or exchange of information with World possible.
Conscious-mind is the Experiencer (that Subject I) of/in the Mind ( the persona made of predispositions, memories, tendencies, desires, plans, ideas, thoughts…) with which that consciousness is associated.
The associated Consciousness (with the Mind) has preferences and conducts actions - but also finds and meets reactions and results.
It is always the Consciousness that chooses Actively its own actions- but it can not choose the reactions of the world, only witness Passively.
The Consciousness in its state, as experienced “normally”, is always partial and separated from its other Side. ( because it's associated and focused on its local partial limited Mind) . The other Side of Itself is still Consciousness-but unconscious (to the local Mind)- or under the threshold of its conscious experience: it can be reviled in a dream, psychoanalytic work, internal search, revelation- or it can remain under the threshold creating issues and problems, even diseases.
When unconscious , these contents retain its energy and influence, sometimes even more then if conscious: why?
Because, as unaddressed they accumulate and swell up.
Only Conscious assimilation and resolution can deal with them: but now on a higher cognitive and conscious level.
Good objective benchmark (measure) of the level of consciousness is: how much certain mind-Consciousness feel in Union or assimilated with the greater Universe-World.
The smaller the location around it-the smaller the Mind and consciousness associated with it.
Narcisists, in fact, or pathological sociopaths, do not and can not think of the bigger picture then their local (selfish sick little twisted) desires. They can be even very intelligent in an execution of plan- yet so limited as to the inclusion of others: by Rule, they exclude everything except their compulsive desire’s end.
Opposite of it: altruists and compassionate people feel the Union between their Conscious mind the the greater World and act accordingly: with service, help or even sacrifice for the greater World. Greater consciousness automatically means greater Love for the World and for inclusion and Union.
Thats why Love is Wise (by definition) and intelligent (by nature). It makes ever greater Unions with the World around it. The Consciousness-Love on this level is: patient, kind and understanding.
Love and Consciousness are perhaps the 2 “faces” (duality) of the same Source/creator: one total emptiness - the other total fullness.
And the creation is the third aspect, of the dynamic dance between them. ( representing the world-Universe)
An Absolute Alive Pure Subject-Being: and its creation!
The connection between Love and Consciosness is not apparent easily, unless one takes into account the tendencies and qualities of both:
both are Subjective experienceCon is empty trying to grow by including ever greater Unions - striving toward absolute Love- total Union.Love, in its total embrace is Empty (like Consciousness): only Emptiness can embrace and give “Space” for All.That way Fulness (love) and Emptiness (consciousness) become One- are in fact already One.has been are and will be One.the world of (objective) Motion and (subjective)
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Whoa! Where did you copy that from!?
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