Social Sciences, asked by pagolusairam4198, 3 months ago

Whats the difference between plants and animals


Answered by itsrudrak


Animals cannot produce their own energy and must eat other animals or plants to get energy for their survival.

Plants use photosynthesis to get energy from the sun for their survival. Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plant cells that enables photosynthesis to happen, and is one of the defining traits of plants.

Just as there are creatures that are male that turn into female, or become both to self fertilize, this complex web of life has a category of beings that, are neither animals or plants or, in another way, both animals and plants.

Some animals look like plants. Others are animals that turn into plants, or vice versa! There is no combination that Nature has not thought of first! The bizarre “sea lilies.” are animals, despite their plant-like appearance. The sea lily stalk is fastened to the sea bottom by a stalk and has a bulbous body with frond-like tentacles. But it has a mouth, a gut and an anus (near the mouth!) and feeds on microscopic plants and animals.

The amazingly coloured sea anemone is not a flower. It spends its life attached to rocks on the sea bottom, or on coral reefs, waiting for fish to pass close enough to ensnare them within its venom-filled tentacles.

The tentacles are triggered by the slightest touch, firing a harpoon-like filament into their victim and injecting a paralyzing neurotoxin. The helpless prey is then guided into the mouth by the tentacles. But they get their oxygen and sugar through green algae who they live with. There is a cnidarian called the “Venus flytrap sea anemone” that completely looks the plant Venus Flytrap which eats insects. It is an animal that looks like a plant that imitates a carnivorous plant that feeds like an animal (Ooph!) The Venus flytrap, despite being a plant, feeds on other organisms-and some of its parts move faster than its animal prey.

Corals are not plants. They are animals. Many groups of animals do not move, and live attached like plants to a surface for most of their life, including sponges, corals, mussels and barnacles. Seaweeds are not plants. They are protists – organisms that belong to the kingdom that includes protozoans, bacteria, and single-celled algae and fungi. Seaweeds may have been the ancestors of all animals and plants. Protists are able to use an animal-like behaviour (eating other organisms) to acquire plant-like traits (photosynthesis).

Mushrooms are not plants. They are fungi and there is a huge variety. Other fungi are rust, yeasts (used to make bread and beer), and slime moulds (like those that grow on old fruit). Mushrooms are often treated like vegetables, but fungi are actually closer to animals than plants. Like plants, they do not move, but they cannot use the energy of sunlight directly through photosynthesis. Their source of energy is other organisms. But instead of “hunting” them, they grow on top of them (soil, trees, human feet), or on top of decaying dead organisms (dead bark, dead animals, your bread). Eating a mushroom is much closer to eating a hamburger than other veggie substitutes.

Algae are aquatic single-celled life forms that appear as a kind of growth, or slime, on top of bodies of water. They look like plants without roots, or leaves, but they are not. Nori seaweed which wraps sushi, red dulse (a snack in Ireland and Iceland that some claim tastes like bacon when fried), kelp (which is a key ingredient in many Asian meals) – all of them are unrelated to plants. The fronds of kelp have three parts: a stem, leaf-like blades and gas-filled spheres, or bladders, which float the kelp toward the surface where the penetration of sunlight is at its highest. The fronds are anchored to the seafloor by a part of the algae known as the holdfast, which is a tangled ball but has no roots, as is the case with the roots of flowering plants. And, unlike flowering plants that absorb nutrients through their roots, kelp absorbs nutrients through all parts of its tissues. Kelp reproduces both sexually and asexually.

Euglena are not plants, animal or fungi. They are green freshwater organisms with a red eyespot and a tail, found in still waters where they may bloom in numbers sufficient to colour the surface of ponds and ditches green or red. Euglena is a plant because it is able to produce its own food by photosynthesis when light is available. But, like an animal, it moves and feeds on food, whenever it needs to feed, by engulfing the food with its body when sunlight is not available. It’s eyespot is light sensitive and can be compared to our eyes. So far scientists have refused to put it into any category! As scientists become better at their jobs they will find that all beings are the same. We knew decades ago (The Secret Life of Plants) that trees hear, have emotions, react to negativity. One day, with more sophisticated technology, we will realize that they are us – animals – who simply live in a different way.

Answered by jannatmarkan


mode of energy

Plants are green in colour due to the presence of the chlorophyll and are able to prepare their own food with the help of sunlight, water and air. They are known for providing oxygen to the atmosphere. Animals are the living organisms which feed on the organic material and are known to have a specialized system in their body like the nervous system, reproductive system, sense organs, which make them unique from the other forms of life.


Plants do not have the ability to move from one place to another, as plants are rooted into the ground, exceptions are Volvox and Chlamydomonas. Animals can move from one place to another freely, and exceptions are Sponges and Corals.

Mode of nutrition

Plants have chlorophyll, due to which they have the capability to prepare their own food and are known as autotrophs.

Animals are the heterotrophs, as they depend on plants for their food, either directly or indirectly.

Storage of food

Plants do not have the digestive system, and the storage of food (carbohydrate) takes place in the form of starch. Animals have the proper digestive system which support the food in digesting and absorbing nutrition from it, the food (carbohydrate) is stored in the form of glycogen.


Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere, exchange of gases occurs through stomata.

Animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which occurs through lungs, gills, skin, etc.

Cellular structure

The cellular structure of plants contains the cell wall, chloroplast, plasmodesmata, plastids and other different organelles. The cellular structure of animals does not have cell walls, though other organelles like the tight junction, cilia are present.


The growth of the plants takes place throughout the life, the meristematic system present in the tip of roots and stems supports the growth. The organs and organ system supports the growth and is definite.


Reproduction of plants takes place asexually like by budding, vegetative methods, spores, wind, or through insects. Some lower animals like algae reproduce asexually while higher animals reproduce sexually.


Plants show the response to stimuli like touch, light, though are less sensitive due to the absence of the sense organs. They have proper nervous system and response to any stimuli in a fraction of seconds, so they are regarded as highly sensitive.


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