whats the meaning of the quote : "This is to think, that men are so foolish, that they take care to avoid what mischiefs may be done them by pole-cats, or foxes; but are content, nay, think it safety, to be devoured by lions." john locke
Notes on John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government
1. Locke's primary aim in the Second Treatise is to show that absolute monarchy is an
illegitimate form of government, lacking the right to coerce people to obey it. The theory of
government defended by Sir Robert Filmer, which Locke attacked in the First Treatise, held
a) the king's authority/right to rule his subjects derives from the right that a father has to
command obedience from his children, a right that is divinely ordained,
b) that right is unlimited; the king has an unlimited right over the lives and property of his
subjects, as a father has an unlimited right over the lives and property of his children (as
long as they remain children).
c) hence, government does not require the consent of those subjects to restrict their liberty
or seize their property, and
d) those subjects do not have a right to revolution, to replace the king with someone who
will better serve their interests.