Chemistry, asked by lakshmit101, 1 year ago

Whay is reactivity series ? Suggest different chemical processes used for obtaining a metal form its oxides for metal in the middle of the reactivity series and metals towards the top of the reactivity series give an example to support your answer


Answered by sahil2893

The activiy of every metal is not same. Some metal are the more active & some metal are less active . The metal which lose electron easily & form ions are called more active.

eg: Fe ,while kesa active metal do not lose electron easily.

eg: Au The comparison of activity of metal can be done by comparison of reaction with , oxygen,water & acid by all the metal do not give these reaction.

Less active metal can be displaced from the solution of its salt by the more active metal.......

Answered by Mokeh


Metals in middle of the reactivity series are found in its sulphide or carbonate ores.calcination is a process of heating the ore with limited or no supply of air.the products are metal oxide with carbon dioxide.roasting is a process of heating the ore with supply of air.products are metal oxide along with sulphur dioxide.

example :Zn



metals of high reactivity are obtained using electrolysis reduction


the metals of reactivity are found in chloride:

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