Whay was Nelson Mandela pained on the day of inauguration
Nelson Mandela was pained because he was not able to thank those glorious men who made unimaginable sacrifices to fight for the justice and achieve emancipation. It also made him sad that they were not able to see what their sacrifices had wrought.
Nelson Mandela was disappointed that he was unable to thank the African patriots who fought for independence and gave their lives in the process. It bothered him that they couldn't see the fruits of their sacrifices.
The date of the inauguration was May 10, 1984. On this day, the whole nation and international leaders have come to celebrate the triumph of freshly elected Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black head of state.
What caused Nelson Mandela anguish after becoming South Africa's President .Nelson Mandela was disappointed that he was unable to thank the African patriots who fought for independence and gave their lives in the process. It bothered him that they couldn't see the fruits of their sacrifices.
Nelson Mandela enthusiastically recounted the inaugural scene. It took place on a sunny and beautiful May 10th in Sandstone Amphitheater. Many international leaders and famous people were present. He'd gone with his daughter Zenani.