Science, asked by rashmishukla199, 6 months ago

wheat grain is brittle or malleable breaks or stretches​


Answered by dharamisthapandya


Here is a classic answer: the hall-patch relation describes that the yield strength of a material increases proportional to squareroot of the grain size. Hall-Patch is the only classic strengthening mechanism that DOES NOT reduce ductility. Other mechanisms like strain hardening, mix crystal or presipitation hardening reduce the ductility significantly.

For nano-grained materials the ductility can significantly increase, when the deformation behavior of the grain boundary dominates over the bulk deformation behavior ( 50 nm grain size or so).

At elevated temperatures (>60% of the melting temperature in K), when creep becomes a dominante deformation mechanism, you will find that the creep rate increases with decreaseing grain size.

As always: The details depend on you material of intere

Answered by rajeshrees239


wheat grain is brittle or malleable or sretches

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