Math, asked by jikosourajyoti140619, 11 months ago

when 3738,5659 and 9501 are divided by the greatest possible number x,the reminder in each case is y.what is the sum of x and y?


Answered by amitnrw

x + y = 3738

Step-by-step explanation:

3738  =  Ax + y

5659 =  Bx  + y

9501  = Cx  + y

=> (9501 - 5659)  = ( C- B) x

=> 3842 =  ( C- B) x

5659 - 3738 = (B - A)x

=> 1921  = (B - A)x

3842   & 1921

have HCF as 1921

x = 1921

3738 = 1921 * 1  + y

=> y =   1817

x = 1921

y = 1817

x + y = 1921 + 1817

= 3738

sum of x and y = 3738

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